Seedy Saturday Vendor Info – 2015


 “Preparing for Climate Change” 




The CVGSS Logo, stylized hand holding a plant, blue flower with yellow centre, also looks like sun in the skyOrganized by the Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers Society

(Box 3783, Courtenay, BC V9N 7P2)




Saturday March 7, 2015 ~ Open to the public from 10 am – 3 pm

Upper level conference hall of Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave, downtown Courtenay BC



  • Participation in previous Seedy Saturdays does not guarantee acceptance for Seedy Saturday 2015.
  • Space contracted by the exhibitor may not be transferred or shared by the exhibitor without the prior written permission of the CVGSS.
  • CVGSS reserves the right to alter or change the space assigned.
  • The exhibitor shall repair at their own expense any damage to the space occupied by them.
  • CVGSS reserves the right to refuse anyone entry and to remove anyone for cause.
  • Any Exhibitor who violates any of the terms & conditions or any part of the contract may be barred from further attendance for such a period as may be decided by the CVGSS Board.


  • Seedy Saturday is the main fund-raiser for the Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers Society. Funds raised from Seedy Saturday help the Society to do its education work and activities during the following year.
  • Full payment must accompany the signed application & must be received by February 1, 2015. No refunds will be given for cancellations after February 15, 2015.
  • Late or incomplete applications are not guaranteed a place.
  • Vendors will receive a confirmation of acceptance of their application via email or mail after December 31
  • Non-accepted applications will receive a full refund.
  • A space will not be considered sold & occupied until full payment has been made to, & confirmation received from, CVGSS.


CVGSS reserves the right to select exhibitors based on the following criteria:

  • Products for sale must be GE Free
  • Early paid registrations
  • Exhibitors whose products are, or information is most pertinent to growing & seed saving
  • Certified & non-certified organic growers and their products & services
  • Exhibitors from the Comox Valley region
  • Displays that adhere to the regulations & restrictions of the Filberg Centre
  • Aim for a total product & service ratio of 65% seeds & plants; 20% tools & garden accessories; 15% information.


  • The Filberg Centre will be open for set-up at 8 am Saturday March 7, 2015.
  • All exhibits must be completely set-up by 9:45 am.
  • Tables and chairs are provided. Exhibitors are to provide table coverings, extra lighting, AV equipment, extension cords, and signage as needed.
  • Only masking tape is allowed on the walls & tables – no pins, tacks, staples, etc.
  • Volunteers will help unload in the morning and pack-up after the event.
  • You cannot take down your exhibit before 3 pm. Your designated area must be left in the same condition as when you arrived.


  • On arrival, exhibitors are to check in at the Vendors/ Exhibitors Check-in Booth at the loading door. Volunteers are available here for booth relief and to submit your event evaluation at the end of the day.


  • The event will continue whatever the weather: snow, rain, or shine.  Outdoor exhibitors are responsible for their own shelter and will not be permitted to move indoors at the last minute due to inclement weather.


  • Vendors may unload their vehicles at the upper level of the Filberg Centre.  Vendors are asked to then move their vehicles and park well away from the venue for the duration of the event.


  • Products exhibited & sold are restricted to those products identified & approved on the exhibit space contract.
  • Exhibitors must not exceed their allotted space.
  • All fire exit widths and aisle widths must be maintained at all times i.e. no portions of the display, tables or chairs can intrude.


  • Any space not claimed or occupied by 9:45 am; or for which no special arrangements have been made prior to 5 pm the night before; may be resold or reassigned by the Coordinator and any monies paid will be forfeited.


  • Wall space above 7’ height is reserved for potential sponsor advertising banners.
  • Exhibitors with wall space are permitted to hang banners up to 8 sq. ft. in size, below 7’ height. 


  • Only perimeter booths have access to electrical outlets. Requests for power will be allotted in the order they are received and the application accepted.  Exhibitors must supply their own extension cords/power bars.  No extension cords will be run across aisles.


  • Exhibitors are responsible for their own cash floats. There may be no ATM on site. No change can be made through the CVGSS tables or admissions tables.


  • Animals are not permitted inside the Florence Filberg Centre building with the exception of Certified Assistance Dogs.


  • The Florence Filberg Centre is a non-smoking building.


  • Exhibitors will be provided with complimentary hot & cold beverages and snacks from 8am – 10 am.  The Seedy Café will be open with lunch items, snacks and beverages for sale until 2 pm.


  • The CVGSS will not accept responsibility for injury to persons, loss of, or damage to, products, exhibits, equipment or decorations by fire, accident, theft or any other cause, during the event, move-in or move-out.
  • Licensing, insurance and collection of applicable taxes is the responsibility of the exhibitor.


  • The information from your application (i.e. contact name & number, products for sale, etc) will be the information in the Event Program on the CVGSS website at including links to your website if you provide that information. Other information will be guided by the CVGSS Privacy Policy as seen on the web site.

The coordinator must be notified before Feb.1, 2015 of any changes to the information on your application.


  • Exhibitors, who apply before Dec. 31, 2013 and are accepted, will have the opportunity to be featured in advance publicity for Seedy Saturday 2014.


  • Exhibitors will be asked to submit an evaluation of the event at the end of the day. This information is extremely valuable in the continuing success of the event.




Sue Moen ~ h.250-337-5948 ~


Dear Vendor of Seeds at Comox Valley’s Seedy Saturday:

Seedy Saturday exists to educate the public about the importance and value of maintaining seed diversity by growing with local, high quality, and open-pollinated seed varieties.

In the Comox Valley, about 35% of the public are new to the event each year, so we certainly are building awareness in this regard, assisted by the continued presence of longtime growers with their heirloom and unique seed varieties. By establishing and maintaining standards regarding seed product, Seedy Saturday events will continue to be unique and make a difference in our communities and for the environment overall.

Seed vendors are required to sign and return the ‘Seed Sourcing Pledge” below as part of your registration requirements.

Comox Valley’s Seedy Saturday is comprised of both certified and non-certified organic vendors. We have a good mix, and to continue educating the public, vendor signage and packaging needs to be clear. “Organic” has become a well-used word in our world now. Beginning in 2014, at Comox Valley’s Seedy Saturday, vendors who advertise themselves as “organic” and are not certified, are requested to include the wording “uncertified” on all signage and packaging. Your cooperation with this request is appreciated. Certified organic seed vendors should already have their designation on signage and packaging.

Thank you for your understanding and participation.

Sue Moen – Coordinator, Seedy Saturday



Seed Sourcing Pledge for Comox Valley Seedy Saturday

By signing, each vendor selling seeds confirms that:

  • You are not knowingly selling GMO seed;
  • The seeds you are selling have been grown out by you or your designate, either on your property or an off-site location within British Columbia that you approve;
  • The seeds you are selling have been grown out by another grower for which you have an exchange arrangement in place, and you identify this detail in your respective catalogues;
  • The seeds you are selling under your own label have been purchased in bulk from GE Free growers in BC.


Note: You can complete the application and payment below.  First fill out the application form and click submit, then as a second step, click on “PAY YOUR FEE” to submit payment.  If you do not have a PayPal account, click “Don’t have PayPal account?” and use a credit card.

Category Description and Fee Structure


ITEM Table Size Price Number Required Total Price
Non-Profit Society 4’ long table or space inside (total space 4’ W x 5’ D = 20 sq. ft.) $25.00
8’ long table or space inside (total space 8’ W x 5’ D = 40 sq. ft.) $45.00
Commercial, Business,Trade Show Vendor orOther Organization 4’ long table or space inside (total space 4’ W x 5’ D = 20 sq. ft.) $55.00
8’ long table or space inside (total space 8’ W x 5’ D = 40 sq. ft.) $95.00
8’ long table or space outside (total space 12’ W x 10’ D =120 sq. ft.) $95.00
First time small & local business introductory rate 4’ long table or space inside (total space 4’ W x 5’ D = 20 sq. ft.) $25.00
TOTAL ENCLOSED Cheque payable to Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers Society (or CVGSS)Mail cheque and application form to:    CVGSS, Box 3783, Courtenay, BC  V9N 7P2 $

Please note: If your display setup requires extra square footage beyond the size described in the chart above, you must purchase the appropriate additional square footage (additional space at a rate of $2.00 per sq.ft.) to accommodate your display.  Outdoor vendors & exhibitors are responsible for their own shelter and will not be permitted to move indoors at the last minute due to inclement weather.  

2015 Seedy Saturday Vendor Application Form

  • e.g. electrical outlet, wall space, no table required, # chairs req’d, etc.
  • (i.e. sounds, smells, etc)
    -4 foot tables are shared tables ie: half of an 8 ft table
    -Payment of the fee does not guarantee participation, an email confirmation does.
  • $ 0.00 CAD

*By submitting this application form, I hereby agree to comply with the attached TERMS & CONDITIONS. Seed & Plant vendors have completed the Seed Pledge.


Don’t forget to PAY YOUR FEE.

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