8th Annual plant sale

The Seed Savers worked hard to produce many varieties of really healthy  tomato and other edible plants.

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Volunteers unloading plants as they arrive.

Set-up started early with a stream of cars delivering plants to waiting volunteers who placed them according to varieties.

By 8.45 we were ready to open – chashiers and talliers in place, holding area staffed, membership table looking spiffy and coffee, muffins and oranges ready for the 20+ volunteers.


Sales were steady all morning and hardly any plants were left by noon.

100's of heritage tomatoes

100’s of heritage tomatoes

Many varieties of heirloom tomatoes

Time for visiting and garden talk and helping buyers.

Demonstration of seed cleaning

Demonstration of hand powered seed winnower.

We took in $2.500 from sales, had $403 expenses, paid our coordinator Elaine Codling

$793 for an excellent job and netted $1350 for Seed Savers.

Volunteers and  happy customer

Volunteers and happy customer.

Well done everyone!

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