2014 Seedy Saturday Vendor List

Below is a list of vendors you will find at the Comox Valley Growers and Seed Savers’ 2013 Seedy Saturday event:


  1. Anderton Therapeutic Gardens Society
  2. Bertrand Girard
  3. Bloomfield Flats Custom Cedar Furniture
  4. Brother Nature Organic Seeds
  5. Comox Valley BeeKeepers
  6. Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers
  7. Comox Valley Horticultural Society
  8. Comox Valley Organics Collective
  9. Comox Valley Seed Bank
  10. CV Lazo Women’s Institute
  11. DCC Dahlias
  12. Denman Island Heritage Apple Trees
  13. Doug’s Bees
  14. Eternal Seed
  15. Forbidden Fruit Farm
  16. Fresh Earth Products
  17. Fresh Jewels
  18. Full Circle Seeds
  19. Garden Lore
  20. Gardens Without Borders
  21. GE Watch
  22. Good Earth Farms
  23. Innisfree Farm
  24. Island Wheatgrass
  25. Lacar Enterprises
  26. LUSH Valley
  27. Metchosin Farms
  28. Nature Spirit Permaculture
  29. Omega Blue Farms
  30. Outback Nursery
  31. Perennial Ridge Farms
  32. Salt Spring Seeds
  33. Seeds of Diversity
  34. SOIL Apprenticeship
  35. Stormy Shores Sea Products
  36. Sugarshack Seeds
  37. The Garden Path
  38. TreeEater Nursery
  39. Vancouver Island Aquaponics
  40. Vancouver Island Master Gardeners
  41. Weegasin Farm
  42. Women’s Food &Water Initiative
  43. World Community
  44. Ygrip


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