2014 Seedy Saturday Vendor List
Below is a list of vendors you will find at the Comox Valley Growers and Seed Savers’ 2013 Seedy Saturday event:
- Anderton Therapeutic Gardens Society
- Bertrand Girard
- Bloomfield Flats Custom Cedar Furniture
- Brother Nature Organic Seeds
- Comox Valley BeeKeepers
- Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers
- Comox Valley Horticultural Society
- Comox Valley Organics Collective
- Comox Valley Seed Bank
- CV Lazo Women’s Institute
- DCC Dahlias
- Denman Island Heritage Apple Trees
- Doug’s Bees
- Eternal Seed
- Forbidden Fruit Farm
- Fresh Earth Products
- Fresh Jewels
- Full Circle Seeds
- Garden Lore
- Gardens Without Borders
- GE Watch
- Good Earth Farms
- Innisfree Farm
- Island Wheatgrass
- Lacar Enterprises
- LUSH Valley
- Metchosin Farms
- Nature Spirit Permaculture
- Omega Blue Farms
- Outback Nursery
- Perennial Ridge Farms
- Salt Spring Seeds
- Seeds of Diversity
- SOIL Apprenticeship
- Stormy Shores Sea Products
- Sugarshack Seeds
- The Garden Path
- TreeEater Nursery
- Vancouver Island Aquaponics
- Vancouver Island Master Gardeners
- Weegasin Farm
- Women’s Food &Water Initiative
- World Community
- Ygrip